Former Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta is no longer on the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s (OSP) wanted list, the office has announced.
The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) had informed Kenneth Nana Yaw Ofori-Atta that he was a suspect in a number of suspected corruption and corruption-related cases, and he had been instructed to physically attend the OSP in Accra on a specified date and at a specified time for an interview. However, on February 12, 2025, the Special Prosecutor declared him a wanted person and a fugitive from justice because he had not provided a reasonable time of his return to the jurisdiction.
Through his attorneys, Mr. Ofori-Atta sent a message to the OSP on February 18, 2025, stating a specific date for his voluntary return to the jurisdiction. Compared to Mr. Ofori-Atta’s prior goal of staying outside the jurisdiction indefinitely, this represents a significant change.
Since the OSP believed that Mr. Ofori-Atta’s indicated date of voluntary return to the jurisdiction was acceptable under the circumstances, it granted his request on February 18, 2025.
The Special Prosecutor rescheduled Mr. Ofori-Atta’s attendance at the OSP on February 18, 2025, in consideration of his declared date of voluntary return to the jurisdiction.
As a result, Mr. Ofori-Atta is no longer listed as a sought person by the OSP, and the agency will no longer consider him a fugitive from justice until he voluntarily returns to the jurisdiction around the specified date.
“Mr. Ofori-Atta will be re-entered on the OSP’s list of wanted persons and the OSP will consider him a fugitive from justice. The OSP will then take all necessary legal steps to secure his return to the jurisdiction and attendance at the OSP at our own choosing if he does not voluntarily return to the jurisdiction around his stated date and if he does not attend the OSP on the rescheduled date.”
On Tuesday, February 18, the OSP posted on its X page that it was “committed to its mandate of ensuring accountability guided by due process and fairness.”
— Office of the Special Prosecutor-Ghana (@ospghana) February 18, 2025